I’m Jes


I've found over the years that my mission in life is to experience and inspire harmony within ourselves, a connection to nature, and friendship between people of all sizes, shapes, and colors so that our world can be a place of love for all.

Kids yoga embodies this seamlessly. Little ones experience and fearlessly express almost every emotion, move intuitively, and are genuinely curious about absolutely everything. Facilitating the interaction between kids and grown-ups through yoga is such a beautiful opportunity! As I prepare and teach class, I try to see through the tender perspective of a child - which inevitably includes embracing my unique wildness.

I’ve been teaching kids yoga since 2015 and have taught in schools, studios, and private class situations. My classes focus on play, imagination, breath, interacting with peers and building confidence. I decided to start Wild Life Yoga to share the many resources I have put together and empower the youth yoga community!


My son and me balancing like the two stones behind us at Arches National Park